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1. mcqs in community and preventive dentistry with explanation forpg dental edental entranance examinations / by chandra. satish. Publication: . vi, 238 p. ; 22 cm. Availability: No items available:
2. mcqs in periodontics ; by chandra. satish. Publication: . xxiii, 132 p. ; 22 cm. Availability: Items available: (),
3. mcqs dental anatomy histology and embryology ; by chandra. girish, Publication: . xxiii, 231 p. ; 22 cm. Availability: Items available: (),
4. mcqs head and neck anatomy for dental students with explantions / by chandra. satish, Publication: . 110p. ; 22 cm. Availability: Items available: (),
5. mcqs in maxillofcial surgery by chandra، satish، Publication: . 153 page، 22mc. Availability: Items available: (), (), (),
6. mcqs in community and preventive dentistry with explanation forpg dental edental entranance examinations / by chandra. satish. Publication: . vi, 238 p. ; 22 cm. Availability: Items available: (),
7. mcqs in oral and maxillofacial with explanation for pg dental entrance examinations / by chandra. satish. Publication: . vi, 154 pages : 22 cm. Availability: Items available: (),
8. mcqs in community and preventive dentistry with explanation for entrane examinations PG dental entrance examinations by chandra, satish, Publication: . vi, 238 p. ; 22 cm. Availability: Items available: (),
9. text book of denal oral anatomy physiology and occlusion ; by chandra, satish, Publication: Phildelphia : . xviii, 292 pages : 28 cm Availability: Items available: (),

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